The red dragons presented in this series use the same three spell lists: Dragon Caster Tradition, the Eldritch Thread of Blight, and the Red Dragon Spell Knowledge list.
These lists are not all complete, and will be expanded on later.
Dragon Caster Tradition
The Dragon Caster Tradition provides knowledge of the following spells.
- arcane mark, detect magic
- comprehend languages, dispel magic (lesser), identify
- locate object, see invisibility
- arcane sight, dispel magic, invisibility purge, suggestion
- unknown
- unknown
- dispel magic (greater)
- arcane sight (greater)
- unknown
- unknown
Eldritch Thread of Blight
The Eldritch Thread of Blight provides knowledge of the following spells.
- unknown
- cause fear, color spray, ray of enfeeblement
- blindness/deafness, daze monster, touch of idiocy
- rage, ray of exhaustion, slow
- bestow curse, contagion, crushing despair
- blight, feeblemind, waves of fatigue
- disintegrate, eyebite, flesh to stone
- insanity, power word blind, waves of exhaustion
- power word stun, scintillating pattern
- energy drain, power word kill
Expert Power: Sickening Touch
At the eldritch weaver’s touch, any aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or outsider must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 eldritch weaver level + Wis modifier) or become sickened for 1d4+1 rounds.
Master Power: Ray of Nausea
As sickening touch, except that this power produces a ray up to 60 feet long that causes nausea in the target creature for 1d4+1 rounds.
Red Dragon Spell Knowledge
I might replace this more or less entirely with the Eldritch Thread of Fire, the spell lists overlap almost exactly. This list will likely need to be cut down, in many places it has more spells than I usually want for a Spell Knowledge talent. On the other hand, they are almost all to do with fire and burning things; while there are many spells, they don’t really have a wide variety of effect. For later consideration.
- cauterize, flare
- burning hands, cause fear, flare burst
- boiling blood, burning gaze, flaming sphere, pyrotechnics
- ash storm, blinding ash, explosive runes, molten
- fire shield, fire trap, wall of fire
- blessing of the salamander, brimstone storm, carpet of fire, enchanting flames, fire snake
- chains of fire, contagious flame, energetic contingency, find the path, fire imps, incendiary cloud
- delayed blast fireball, firebrand, pyroclastic vent
- discern location, fiery bombardment, fire storm, ring of fire, wall of lava
- elemental swarm (Fire only), fiery body, heart of the volcano
Combined Spell List
These three talents are combined to provide the following list of spell knowledge.
- arcane mark, cauterize, detect magic, flare
- burning hands, cause fear, color spray, comprehend languages, dispel magic (lesser), flare burst, identify, ray of enfeeblement
- blindness/deafness, boiling blood, burning gaze, daze monster, flaming sphere, locate object, pyrotechnics, see invisibility, touch of idiocy
- arcane sight, ash storm, blinding ash, dispel magic, explosive runes, invisibility purge, molten, rage, ray of exhaustion, slow, suggestion
- bestow curse, contagion, crushing despair, fire shield, fire trap, wall of fire
- blessing of the salamander, blight, brimstone storm, carpet of fire, enchanting flames, feeblemind, fire snake, waves of fatigue
- chains of fire, contagious flame, disintegrate, dispel magic (greater), energetic contingency, eyebite, find the path, fire imps, flesh to stone, incendiary cloud
- arcane sight (greater), delayed blast fireball, firebrand, insanity, power word blind, pyroclastic vent, waves of exhaustion
- discern location, fiery bombardment, fire storm, ring of fire, power word stun, scintillating pattern, wall of lava
- elemental swarm (Fire only), energy drain, fiery body, heart of the volcano, power word kill
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