Sample Character: Amren-ja, Warrior Queen: Advantage Dice System

Now that I’ve explored the new dice mechanic a bit, it’s time to see what a character might look like. I’ll go back to Amren-ja, Warrior Queen. GreyKnight wrote her up as a test case using the d20-based rules, I later did a dice pool version, and now I’m going to do …

Adapting FASERIP Task Resolution to Echelon

Last night I wrote about using FASERIP ability ratings in Echelon, and examined how they match up to Echelon tier definitions (fairly well, all things considered). Now to look at how to import task resolution. I’ll start with a simple (or perhaps simplistic, I’m not terribly concerned with a precise …

Echelon, Hero Version?

I was thinking the other day about how much I appreciate HERO System from an engineering standpoint. Pretty much everything mechanical is quantized, with explicit relationships between power and limitations, and character complications. I realized it might be a useful tool for designing Echelon talents, if things line up, so …

New Thoughts on Saving Throws

In the earlier, d20-based design I had the normal three saving throws: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. The bonuses scaled with level using the Level Bonus, and talents could increase them further. Saving throw talents also granted other benefits such as increased hit points and increased magic points. In switching to …

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