Amren-Ja, Warrior-Queen: Dice Pool Version

Some time ago, GreyKnight wrote up Amren-ja, Warrior-Queen for Echelon. Things have changed somewhat since then, but I think it translates fairly well to the dice pool version. Or it will, after I define what all the talents do. Well, redefine what all the talents do, since the underlying mechanics have …

Task Resolution Using Dice Pools: Heavy Lifting Part 2

The other night when I wrote Task Resolution Using Dice Pools: Heavy Lifting I focused on net results of the rolls, minimizing the number of complications as much as possible. I think that is likely to be the most common choice, so I gave little thought to the alternative, maximizing the number …

Revisiting Token Pools

Last week I was inspired to work on some talent design, specifically by converting various PRD game elements to talents. Sorcerer Bloodlines became cornerstone talents, Cleric Domains became common talents, and Arcane Schools became common talents. The latter interested me enough (and honestly, were a small enough set) that I converted all the arcane schools …

Arcana Talents (All Eight Arcane Schools)

I admit, I’m procrastinating a little on the Echelon Reference Series today. I let myself get distracted by the arcana talents I started working on yesterday in converting arcane schools to common talents. I wanted to see what the rest looked like, so I took some time today to finish the first …

Arcane Schools as Common Talents

The other day I said that wizard arcane schools would ‘pretty clearly be a cornerstone talent’. Each wizard has one and only one (barring an archetype or feat that allows more than one) and each arcane school can significantly affect a wizard’s abilities. Also, arcane schools are iconic to the wizard class …

Sorcerer Bloodlines as Cornerstone Talents

The other day I wrote about how various class features might map to Echelon talents. Sorcerer bloodlines would likely map to cornerstone talents. Here’s how it might work. Sorcerer Bloodlines in PRD Sorcerer bloodlines provide several abilities to sorcerers. Class skill that extends the class skill list (at 1st level). …

Mapping PRD Class Abilities to Echelon Talents

Progress on the Echelon Reference Series continues, and is becoming coherent enough that I can start to see how pieces may fit together in Echelon. Looking over the class features, there are many options and often several ways to model them. Talents by Likely Type I’ll group the class feature by the …

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