Cornerstone Talent: Aberrant Bloodline, Advantage Dice System

A couple years ago I converted the aberrant bloodline to a cornerstone talent. This was implemented in the d20 model, and the advantage dice system works quite a bit differently. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Aberrant Bloodline I’ll start by looking at the aberrant bloodline, as presented in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. …

Sorcerer Bloodlines as Cornerstone Talents

The other day I wrote about how various class features might map to Echelon talents. Sorcerer bloodlines would likely map to cornerstone talents. Here’s how it might work. Sorcerer Bloodlines in PRD Sorcerer bloodlines provide several abilities to sorcerers. Class skill that extends the class skill list (at 1st level). …

Dragons in Echelon, Part 5: Dragon Cornerstone Talents

I’ve decided that dragons really need at least two paths, martial and caster. Not all dragons should have a martial focus, so I am offering an alternate Dragon cornerstone talent to cover the difference. The various Dragon capstones will likely be written to allow either the Dragon Warrior cornerstone or …

Dragons in Echelon, Part 3: Comparing RSRD to Pathfinder

I was originally using the Revised System Reference Document (“D&D 3.x”) as my base, but as I described in Finding a New Path, Pathfinder is richer and more accessible, and gives me more options. This is a case in point. The RSRD red dragon description is quite boring.  Apart from …

Dragons in Echelon, Part 2: Common Abilities

In Dragons of Echelon, Part 1: Introduction I decided that my easiest path forward for now is to model, with some changes, how dragons are currently implemented in Pathfinder. Dragon Creature Type The Dragon creature type has: d12 Hit Die. Irrelevant, hit points are derived from level, tier, and Martial …

The Basics of Cornerstones and Capstones

David asked at google+: Has anyone been thinking about keystones (corner and cap) at the Basic level? We have Warrior Born and Steeped in Magic cornerstones, but for a character who upgrades these to the Expert version (where adventurers start), they need to replace them with something else. I’ve been …

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