Dragons in Echelon, Part 5: Dragon Cornerstone Talents

I’ve decided that dragons really need at least two paths, martial and caster. Not all dragons should have a martial focus, so I am offering an alternate Dragon cornerstone talent to cover the difference. The various Dragon capstones will likely be written to allow either the Dragon Warrior cornerstone or …

Dragons in Echelon, Part 4: First Cut at Red Dragons

I was thinking today about how different dragon types might be modeled. The original thought was that the cornerstone would cover the common abilities, the color-specific parts (spell-like abilities, other special abilities) might be a common talent, then the remaining common talents could be used to flesh out general abilities …

Dragons in Echelon, Part 3: Comparing RSRD to Pathfinder

I was originally using the Revised System Reference Document (“D&D 3.x”) as my base, but as I described in Finding a New Path, Pathfinder is richer and more accessible, and gives me more options. This is a case in point. The RSRD red dragon description is quite boring.  Apart from …

Dragons in Echelon, Part 2: Common Abilities

In Dragons of Echelon, Part 1: Introduction I decided that my easiest path forward for now is to model, with some changes, how dragons are currently implemented in Pathfinder. Dragon Creature Type The Dragon creature type has: d12 Hit Die. Irrelevant, hit points are derived from level, tier, and Martial …

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